• Q.1: How do I submit my paper for the conference?
  • Ans:Papers must be submitted through the designated platform. Please upload your document following the detailed submISSERon guidelines on the conference website.
  • Q.2: What document format should my paper be in?
  • Ans:Your paper should be in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format, adhering to the specified formatting guidelines, including font type, size, and citation style.
  • Q.3: What is the required length for full papers?
  • Ans: Full papers should be between 6-8 pages, formatted in a double-column layout as per the conference guidelines.
  • Q.4: Can I submit more than one paper?
  • Ans:Yes, you can submit multiple papers. Each paper must be uploaded separately, ensuring it meets the submISSERon requirements.
  • Q.5: Can a co-author present the paper?
  • Ans: Yes, co-authors may present the paper, provided they have the consent of the main author.
  • Q.6: Can I request an extension for the paper submISSERon deadline?
  • Ans:Extensions may be granted for exceptional cases with valid justification, though the abstract submISSERon deadline is strict
  • Q.7: How will I be notified about my paper’s acceptance?
  • Ans:Authors will be informed about their paper’s acceptance status within 2-4 days after submISSERon.
  • Q.8: Are there any fees for submitting a paper?
  • Ans:There are no submISSERon fees, but accepted papers will require a registration fee for inclusion in the conference program and proceedings.
  • Q.9: Who can I contact if I have issues or questions about my submISSERon?
  • Ans:For submISSERon-related queries, please contact the conference support team at
  • Q.10: Can I present via Zoom if I cannot attend in person?
  • Ans:Yes, Zoom presentations are allowed. You will be provided with a Zoom link, and you must ensure your video, audio, and presentation are set up properly in advance. Make sure you follow the technical guidelines provided for Zoom presentations.