- Q.1: Can I submit a full paper if I’ve only submitted an abstract? Can I modify the author name or paper title after submISSERon?
- Ans:Yes, you can submit a full paper before the submISSERon deadline. Changes to the author name or paper title are allowed, but only before the registration deadline. After the deadline, no changes will be accepted.
- Q.2: What if my university requires more time to approve my application?
- Ans:Please inform us of the expected approval timeline. We handle each case individually but cannot accommodate delays longer than 2 weeks before the conference. We recommend submitting your abstract or paper as soon as possible
- Q.3: Can I publish just the abstract in the proceedings? Can I later request its removal?
- Ans:Yes, you may choose to publish only the abstract. Once your paper or abstract is included in the proceedings, it cannot be deleted or replaced.
- Q.4: Can I choose the journal for publication?
- Ans:Authors cannot select the journal for publication. The reviewers and editors decide on the most suitable journal for your paper. You will need to submit the full paper to receive feedback on its suitability for publication.
- Q.5: How long does it take to publish my paper in a journal?
- Ans: The time for publication can vary depending on how quickly you respond to feedback and revise your paper. The minimum publication time is generally 6 months
- Q.6: Can I publish my paper in another journal after it is included in the proceedings?
- Ans:Yes, you can publish your paper elsewhere, even if it has been included in the conference proceedings. However, once included, we cannot remove it.
- Q.7: Can I get written feedback before registration?
- Ans:Written feedback is not provided before the conference.
- Q.8: Are there any special discounts or sponsorships available?
- Ans:We do not offer sponsorships, but we do provide early-bird discounts for registrations made early.
- Q.9: When will the draft conference program be available?
- Ans:A draft conference program, which includes all papers and authors, will be sent to you one week before the conference starts
- Q.10: What special benefits do you offer that other conferences don't?
- Ans:We provide detailed written feedback on your paper, which most other conference organizers do not offer. Additionally, we provide ongoing support to help you revise and improve your paper, ultimately helping to increase your publication output.
- Q.11: Do your journals have ISSN?
- Ans:Yes, all our journals are ISSN registered, both in print and online formats.
- Q.12: What should I do if my online payment fails?
- Ans:If you encounter issues with online payment, you can make the payment via electronic transfer or cash deposit through the bank. Bank details will be provided in the conference acceptance letter.
- Q.13: Can I book a hotel through you? Do you offer special room rates for the conference hotel?
- Ans:We do not manage hotel bookings or offer special rates. You will need to book your accommodation independently.
- Q.14: How can I submit my paper for IITER conferences?
- Ans:SubmISSERon guidelines can be found on the conference's official website.
- Q.15: How can I get an official letter of invitation for conference attendance?
- Ans:An official letter of invitation is available upon request for registered authors or participants. The official invitation letter is intended solely for conference participation purposes and should not be utilized for any purposes.